7 days a week 9am-5pm
Tel: 774-392-3168
E-mail: sproutes@comcast.net
We are open every day from 9-5

Sprout Farm Newsletter March 14th 2025 sproutfarm.net open 9-4 daily
Hello Everyone,
Jay says we are open for business for soils, decorative pots, and chemicals.
Our Neptune's Harvest Fish Emulsion gallon is $44.95. Check out those prices anywhere and you will see that Jay isn't out to charge the standard mark-up. He wants to make customers and new friends.
We received our shipments of perennial plugs and greenhouse #4 is almost full of plants. The pansies in the Seeding house are starting to bloom but they will need to grow up bigger before we put them out on the benches. We have primroses that are starting to flower so keep checking us out to see when they leave the greenhouse. They finish up quickly.
The flocks of turkeys are happy to saunter through the garden and they are doing some soil conditioning while they go. The deer fence is still tied up but as soon as we have produce growing in the garden, we'll drop the fence and pin it out towards the Woodlands to keep the deer out and the cats in.
Speaking of cats we have a return of the long awaited: Kitten report.
Wheezie was seen having a romantic tryst with Mr. Scruffy the day after Christmas and she had three kittens on Feb. 28th. They lack her beautiful coloring but they are black, beautiful and growing fat as we speak. She set up her nursery in our office so she is strategically placed to beg for food multiple times of day and who can resist those big beautiful eyes.
. Don't forget that local honey in 8oz, 1lb and 2lb jars. We have no jams or syrup at this time.
Simba is still a gypsy and has been welcomed into several homes. Thank you to all of you to let us know where he goes. He won't like that we have to keep him up to date with all his shots. but some day we are going to have to track him down for an appointment.
Stop by and see us soon. Jay may be in a greenhouse filling pots but he enjoys any excuse to stop and chat .
Jay and Phyllis Sprout
Sprout Farm Stand

See what's growing now! Start your family garden with nothing but the best locally grown annuals, perennials, and herbs. And because we only sell what's in season, we guarantee you the lowest prices.
Sprout Farm now has a News Letter.
We no longer advertise our weekly sales in the local newspaper so the best way to learn about our sales is to visit our facebook page on Saturday mornings, listen to our radio ads on WXTK and WCOD local shows, or sign up to receive our very brief Sprout Farm News Letter. Any sales in these publications are valid for that week only. Learn all about our weekly sales in your email box on Thursday mornings. I don't share any email addresses and everything will arrive BBC. So if you would like our sales ad to arrive in your email box first thing Saturday mornings, send your email address along with just your first name to: sproutes@comcast.net
- subject, newsletter,
and I'll take care of the rest.
Thank you,
Phyllis Sprout
Local Shopping Made Easy
Locally Grown
Fresh &
Competitively Priced